13 Reasons Why (Netflix)


SEASON 2 IS OUT NOW on Netflix!


Season 2 has me gagged, I’m on the edge of my seat

re: the finale
  • The scene between Monty and Tyler in the bathroom was far too much and added for cheap, and ultimately sadistic, shock value. If they really needed to set up the school shooting scene, they should have stopped with swirlie. The sodomisation was fucking disgusting.

  • Re: the school shooting; It’s more than obvious that the entire scene was re-shot, evidenced by the fact that only the main cast was on set, the clunky writing and the police stock siren effects.

  • Speaking of that scene, considering how much they pride theirselves on being a conversation piece, it is extremely irresponsible and dangerous for them to have turned Clay into a hero re: talking Tyler off of the metaphorical ledge. This is where the script rewrite really shows. The fact that the supporting characters wanted to alert the authorities and Clay instead told them no because he didn’t want Tyler’s life ruined was incredibly fucking stupid and leaves a major plot hole; Tyler sent a text on what he intended to do.

All in all, I really did like the second season, but the finale ended up tarnishing the entire show. I feel like they could have ended the season with Clay’s friends embracing him and Tyler arriving at the school with intent on doing exactly what the first season set up.

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