Chanté Moore - '1 of 4' (EP)


Omg. Chante is really on a roll after last year’s “Real One”. This EP is so short and sweet. Every track is so fresh yet so Chante. It’s like a finer, better curated version of her 2017 albums The Rise of the Phoenix and Christmas Back to You.

“One Love” - first single and chilled, car ride bop
"Thank You" (feat. June’s Diary) - ABSOLUTE BOP. Serving Boy is Mine 2018/Destiny’s Chld WOTW era. Needs to be a single as it could definately smash
"Grow" (feat. D. Bryant) - LOOOVE this, it gives me Uncovered/Covered maturity (one of her duet albums with her ex Kenny Lattimore) but with modern production. Quicikly becoming one of my favs
"Moore" - like the song says…she keeps us wanting “MOORE”

“Where You Want Me” is a sexy, whispery mid-tempo that shows of Chante’s delicate vocals over a bassy trap beat.

Chante’s really come forth and not only embraced the current trap-r&b sound but made it entirely her own. Queen. Only thing some fans might miss is there isn’t any whistle on this but she sounds amazing and so confident throughout. Her delivery on Thank You is just A*****************. Chante really is a legend**.

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