Ed Westwick Accused of Rape; Another Woman Accuses Ed of Rape



Omg everyone’s coming out of the woodwork :hushed:


Ew, he’s disgusting.


A creep and rapist, much like his Gossip Girl character…
I felt sick seeing people attack her and call her a liar, particularly women. :coffin:


What the f




We should replace the Likes system with Upvotes/Downvotes because of messes like this, @AirRockStar
Would also make things more… interesting :slight_smile:



Hollywood is such a scary place tbh :neutral_face:


Completely agree, but so many industries are plagued by this sickening atmosphere - I’m glad that we are at a place where people feel they are able to speak out about these wrongs.


The sad thing about this is that people hear
cases like this and assume the victim is lying about it.
(That’s not to say that it’s, absolutely, never the case.)

I can’t think of anything more isolating than that.



He’s a piece of shit.


in 2014? but its now 2017. why she waited 3 yrs with this?




…have you even been sexually assaulted or raped?

The manifestation of damage mentally is irrecoverable. It’s a culmination of every negative emotion. Having peers coming forward gives others the strength to come forward too.

I’m not exactly comprehending why it’s such a difficult thing to understand and why people have to continually show their ass when it comes to these type of articles.


excuse me, but watch your tone.
i have obviously never been raped, so i dont know how they feel.
i just dont understand if something this terrible happens with you (especially with a known actor) why you wait 3 years to do something about it? it was just a simple question, without any underlying malice or intent. i really feel bad when something this terrible happens with ANYBODY, i just didnt get it why she waited this long.
ed westwick is a troll, and should be in prison already.


Because the shame; shame that you’ve been violated, and the idea that you’re accusing someone famous of a horrible act, and you could be deemed as someone “attention seeking,” etc. There are so many reasons why someone wouldn’t press charges or make accusations; the point is, she has made them. She feels comfortable enough to make them, and that’s what counts.


agree and thank for sharing. again, hope this guy will be punished.

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