🚀 New Features, Upgrades & Bug Fixes



I hope not. That always slowed my browser down; having it in the header only is simpler and nicer.


Clicking the SIN logo on the mobile chatbox page doesn’t redirect you to the main page.


It actually does but since the Chat Box is expanded/full screen, you need to close it to see the homepage. Might review other options just for mobile in the future.


Hi @AirRockStar I have a suggestion, is there a way to put the reply button right next to the pagination? I feel that would be bit easier when you are trying to replying to the entire thread rather than a specific post.


Cyril we already have one, actually two! I have circled them here for reference:


Assuming that the site layout is fluid and images are resized based on resolution, what’s the best or default size for our avatars?




oh yeah I didn’t notice it. I was referring to the mobile layout specifically though. Maybe a reply button next to the post slider?


Is there a way to add an “All topics read” option?


You can do that on the New and Updated pages, at the bottom right.


Yup, click on “Unread” on the homepage, next to “Categories, Latest & New” and then look for the “Dismiss…” button to mark all read.


Ahh. Never knew that! Awesome; thanks Eric and Ryan!


Is there a reason why first posts cannot be edited? I cannot seem to edit certain topics anymore, and I’m hoping it is a mere glitch!


I think once a thread reaches a certain age, the edit option disappears. You’ll need to get ahold of one of the mods or flag the thread and they’ll make it a wiki so you can edit it from there.


Oh, that’s kind of off. I don’t like that. @AirRockStar any way to change this? Seems weird that OP cannot be changed after a certain period of time.


Yea, that is super odd. It was set to about two months. I have removed this restriction.


@AirRockStar As always, darling, you’re a peach!




We have a few new updates to report:

Show Who’s Replying
Added live indicators at the bottom of a topic, and in the composer itself, to let you know when other people are actively replying. You may also notice we’ve restyled the composer to bring it a lighter, airier, more modern look.

Improved Emoji Selector
We’ve completely revamped the emoji selector to support search by typing and skin tone selection — and of course we’ve incorporated the latest Unicode Emoji, too.

Improved Rich Pasting
When pasting content into the composer, we’ll now attempt to convert what is in your clipboard to native Markdown on your behalf!

Better Automatic Link Formatting
If you paste a link on a line by itself, we will summarize the link on your behalf — we call this oneboxing. We’ve improved our default onebox to support more metadata from the link, such as the site icon, the date, and the site title.

Enjoy! :rocket:


Amazing! Loving the new editions and how developed SIN is becoming, as well!

// Who's Online (Guests Fix)