Submissions for Mosaic Banner!




Keep 'em coming! I will be choosing new ones this weekend! :heart:

I’m also going to remove the replies that do not meet the requirements soon. Please resubmit them if you want them up, the new banner has lots of room!


Riverdale - re-submit with dedicated thread


Love this!


Looks like I will be adding these tonight, let’s get any last minute submissions in! :smile:

If anyone finds links to any submissions above, please post them here to so they have a chance too! :heart:




Did some major clean up in this thread… Removed all submissions without links and even added a few links from existing topics that were missing… :mage:

Overall 13 additional artists were chosen for November, bringing the total over 40 in the mosaic banner! Now lets get in those entries in for next December! :wink:



did u chose avril?


Yea, she’s up there now! :stuck_out_tongue:


i havent seen it yet but yay


Love them new banners!
It would be great to add some Xmas banners soon too :christmas_tree:








Madonna – Discussion

Get in those last min suggestions! I will be choosing new additions for December later this week! :clock1030: :santa: :christmas_tree:




Just wait for it :slight_smile:

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